Builders Platform
Our platform is a website builder as a service, providing us with everything we need to create and manage Gjensidige websites.
Speed up your CMS workflow
If you spend a lot of time working in Content Studio, you may want to know a few of the shortcuts and tricks it offers. Our very own Enonic specialist Bobby Westberg offers some great tips to speed up your workflow.
Get started with infographics
The first version of infographics is finally available in Content Studio! Get to know how it works and set up your first charts with our onboarding videos in Miro.
Stay up to date on Slack
Join our open #builders-platform channel to report issues, suggest improvements and to get notified when we have new releases.
Findings from usability tests
Testing and improving the internal search
Our internal search engine never got much love while we focused on parts and pages. We made some new designs, ran 18 guerrilla tests and iterated until we got the version we have today.
Logging in and browsing personal content
On the 18th and 25th of January, team Service tested some of the most basic user flows of existing private users. You'll find the full summary in Miro.
Agriculture users
We've run a test with five different farm owners, using our biggest prototype so far.
Health insurances
Some new health insurance pages have been tested, including all health insurances, and the product pages for child insurance and disability insurance.