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Content model and structured data

Parts are quite different from the modules we used to build our websites before. The content model in XP with parts is the fundament with which we create the editor experience. It consists of only two different page types, multiple content types, partsfragments and structured data

Page types

Editors in Gjensidige are used to many different page types, such as 30-70, 10-90 or Theme. The page you chose decided what modules you were allowed to use. 

In XP on Builders Platform, you may choose between only two different page types: The article page and the General page. You decide what page to use depending on whether the main user task involves mainly navigation or mainly reading. 

Page: Article

Choose this page when creating content that helps the user learn more about a topic. In other words, it should be used for articles or other reading tasks.

It differs from Page: General by containing its very own article parts: Text sections, Quotes and Images. They allow you to write long-form text content in combination with other parts that trigger action or elaborate on your text.

Page: General

If you're not creating content for reading, you'll be using the General page. Offering all parts except for the three article parts, it's got everything you need to trigger actions, create an overview or give navigational options.

Changing page types

Sometimes, you might want to change the page type – say from Page: Article to Page: General. This may be done by admins in Data Toolbox:

  1. From the XP start page, open Data Toolbox and then Data Tree
  2. Select the "com.enonic.cms.default" repository and then the "Draft" branch
  3. Select the "[root]" node, the "content" node and then the node with the same name as your site
  4. Find the page you wish to change, click its "info" icon, and select "Display properties". If you wish to change a subpage, click the pages that precede it in the URL, for instance /bedrift and then /forsikring to display the subpages.
  5. Click the pencil icon next to "type", and edit the string "theme:page-article" to "theme:page-general" or vice versa

Content types

At the very core of the editor experience is the various content types:

These are collections of pre-made data fetched by parts, so that you may create certain contents only once, maintain it in one place, use it on several pages and tailor the context around it on each page.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: Question

FAQ: Question allows you to create common questions and their answers. 

FAQ: Group

In order to display FAQs in the FAQ part, you must select one or more FAQ: Groups. These are collections of FAQ: Questions related to the same topic.

Structured data

The FAQ content types are tagged as questions with answers, so that search engines can recognise them as such.


Typically, product information is carefully written in collaboration with specialists, and we tend to give the same information on several pages. Therefore, we create and maintain the basic product information in one place, and fetch these ready-made texts in the parts.

Products are built with three content types:

  • Product
  • Product Group
  • Product Feature

To display them on our websites, we use the following parts:

  • Product Action List
  • Product Cards
  • Product Buttons
  • Product Overview
  • Product Group Table

Building products in Content Studio

Building navigation in Content Studio

System messages

We use the content type system messages to add a global or local message to our users, typically when some of our solutions are failing or unstable. There are three different variants depending on your message:

  • Information
  • Warning (default)
  • Error


Parts are the actual building blocks that you use to create valuable content on the page. 

You always start with a clean slate, combining new and pre-made content, such as FAQs, Products or links. 


Sometimes, you don't need to reinvent the wheel. Maybe the "Report claim" CTA from the front page could be reused on the car insurance page?

For such cases, you'll be using fragments. Fragments are ready-made parts you have saved for later. Rather than copying and pasting the content, you'll save the CTA from the front page as a fragment, and upload that to the car insurance page.

When you need to change anything in the fragment (say the target URL has changed since you first made it), you can edit the fragment, and it will be updated on all pages it is used.

If you need to change the fragment on only one of the pages it's used, right-click to find the "Detach from fragment" option. This allows you to keep the content, but turn it back into a part so that you can customise it without affecting the fragment.

Creating and using Fragments

  1. Right-click on the pre-made part
  2. Select "Save as fragment"
  3. You will be taken to the new Fragment content. Give it a name that helps any editor understand what it is and when to use it.
  4. The fragment will have been saved under the page on which you first made it. Move it to the "Fragments" folder.
  5. Go to your new page, and choose the "Insert" tab in the context panel.
  6. Rather than dragging and dropping a new part, drag and drop a fragment
  7. Select your new fragment, and you're done!


You don't always have to start from scratch. Some pages have much of the similar structure, such as product pages or overviews.

If you know that several pages will contain (roughly) the same parts in (roughly) the same order, we recommend that you create templates to speed up your work. 

  1. Create the first of your group of pages (e.g. the product page "car insurance"). The page type you choose must be used for all pages that you wish to use its template for
  2. Add the parts that you will normally need on this type of page (but don't fill them in yet)
  3. Select the "Page" toggle in the right side context panel
  4. Click "Create template", and your page will appear in the "Templates" folder
  5. Name your template so that it is easy to recognise and understand for other editors, such as "Insurance product pages – Private"
  6. Move your new template below the two blank templates, they should always be on top
  7. Create a new page you wish to use your template on
  8. Select the "Page" toggle in the right side panel and find the correct template in the dropdown

A word of warning

When creating new pages, Content Studio will always assume that you wish to use the newest template for this page – the one furthest on top in your list of templates.

Make sure to always keep two blank templates at the top – one for General pages and one for Article pages.