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Get to know the content model

The content model in XP with parts is the fundament with which we create the editor experience. It consists of only two different page types, multiple content types, partsfragments and x-data.

Content types

At the very core of the editor experience is the various content types:

These are collections of pre-made data fetched by parts, so that you may create certain contents only once, maintain it in one place, use it on several pages and tailor the context around it on each page.


All content types have lots of useful configuration and metadata for your new page in its left-side menu:

  • Teaser Content
  • SEO
  • Search Meta
  • Add to Feed and Archive
  • Article Options

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: Question

FAQ: Question allows you to create common questions and their answers. 

FAQ: Group

In order to display FAQs in the FAQ part, you must select one or more FAQ: Groups. These are collections of FAQ: Questions related to the same topic.

Structured data

The FAQ content types are tagged as questions with answers, so that search engines can recognise them as such.


Typically, product information is carefully written in collaboration with specialists, and we tend to give the same information on several pages. Therefore, we create and maintain the basic product information in one place, and fetch these ready-made texts in the parts.

Products are built with three content types:

  • Product
  • Product Group
  • Product Feature

To display them on our websites, we use the following parts:

  • Product Action List
  • Product Cards
  • Product Buttons
  • Product Overview
  • Product Group Table

Building products in Content Studio

Building navigation in Content Studio

System messages

We use the content type system messages to add a global or local message to our users, typically when some of our solutions are failing or unstable. There are three different variants depending on your message:

  • Information
  • Warning (default)
  • Error

Fragments and templates

You don't always have to start from scratch!

If you have certain parts that will be used on several pages, you should consider turning them into Fragments

Some pages use the same structure and sometimes even the same content. For these cases, it may save you some time to make use of Templates.


We use parts to fill our websites with content and design. There are 31 parts available to cover a multitude of needs.