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Website Builder as a Service

The Builders Platform provides us with everything we need to create and manage Gjensidige websites.

It is one of the Builders solutions, offering everything you need to build and maintain a website, including:

Builders Platform is Gjensidige's new website builder, running on AKS with a modern technology stack.


Builders Platform is a Website Builder as a Service. This means that in addition to providing building blocks for the web, Team Builders also takes care of hosting the site. The team is thus responsible for hosting all gjensidige pages that is created by our editors across several countries and domains.

Micro frontends

Some of our solutions are exposed through APIs to be used as micro frontends on applications sites. These are currently the footer and navigation (which includes cookie consent and system messages). 

In addition we support single page applications to be embedded in our CMS controlled pages. 

Azure CDN

As a web platform, Enonic CMS used to host the files that the front-end apps required. To cut these ties and create a more robust infrastructure, we no longer have application file hosting on Enonic XP. Instead, we have a storage solution where teams can request access to a CDN.

Application Portal

The application portal is not part of Builders Platform, but we'll team up with Team Service to make sure it integrates well with our micro frontends for navigation and footer.