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How we test our work

Team Builders delivers design foundations, components, parts and the content management system. This is how we test to ensure quality, usability and accessibility in our work.

Technical testing

To ensure code quality and functionality in our deliverables, we run technical tests. That involves unit testing and end-to-end testing.

Unit testing

To double check that our code is written without error, we use Jest for unit testing. Jest is a testing framework focused on simplicity, designed to ensure that JavaScript code meets quality standards before it's deployed.

End-to-end testing

To check the working order of our products in a start-to-finish process or user journey, we run end-to-end (E2E) tests. This helps us verify that all components are able to perform well in the intended scenarios. We use Cypress to run E2E tests the same way users interact with our apps. By using a real browser, visiting URLs, viewing content, and clicking on links and buttons, we ensure our tests and the user's experience are the same.


Some call it "tasting your own medicine", others call it "eating your own dog food" - we are the first users of our products!

While not an unbiased test of usability, we are stuck with the UX and UI choices we make. That means we get to experience the same friction, bugs and errors as our end-users, helping us discover them before they are deployed. 

We are the first users of our products


Monitoring issues in Siteimprove

Our platform is continuously crawled by Siteimprove, allowing us to keep a watchful eye on potential accessibility threats and errors. 

Whenever an issue arises in Siteimprove, we consider what actions to make, create GitHub issues and solve them across the platform.

External investigation

In Q2 2022 two of the websites running on Builders Platform had a thorough investigation run by accessibility agency Inklud. Read the full report in Norwegian

In Q3 2024 we had another review from Inklud with particular attention to the following:

  • Cards
  • Infographics
  • Tables
  • Expandables
  • Various form components
  • Modal
  • Search
  • Navigation

Usability testing

As we are not responsible for the contents of the gjensidige sites, we only run usability tests of the content on It is built with the same parts, design foundations, components and assets, and on the same platform as Gjensidige's customer sites. 

We are frequently asked how we ensure usability in the parts we develop, and whether they have been tested on Gjensidige's customers. Parts cannot be usability tested in themselves.

Usability tests are run to ensure users are able to complete their tasks, putting the combination of design, content, code quality, security, information architecture and much more to the test. This means that parts in themselves cannot be tested per se – their flaws need to be identified during tests of actual user journeys, either with prototypes or on a finished website.

Therefore, parts are tested every time the websites that consist of them are tested. We depend on feedback from teams, editors and customers who use them.

User feedback

To ensure usability and quality in our solutions and services, we depend on feedback from teams, editors and customers. We request and receive feedback through several channels: